CarePoint DHA Survey Portal
CarePoint is a Defense Health Agency (DHA) information delivery portal designed to promote self-service business intelligence, user collaboration, content delivery, and information transparency for the purpose of improving healthcare quality, access, and delivery across the Military Health System (MHS). https://carepoint.health.mil/sites/CLINCOM/SitePages/
The DHA Survey Portal application provides an enterprise solution for the collection and management of patient-reported outcomes and standardized patient questionnaires to facilitate clinician-patient communication, to help better understand a treatment's efficacy or effectiveness in the recovery process after MSKI and how patients are doing while improving point-of-care decision making. It is an enterprise application within CarePoint. This Common Access Card (CAC)-enabled and password-protected application provides a consolidated view of patient data that informs clinical decision making across the Military Health System (MHS). Stakeholders (except patients) can use the portal in support of patient-centered care.
Survey Portal Security
To meet and exceed the Department of Defense (DoD) cyber security policies and the HIPAA patient privacy regulations, the Survey Portal has four layers of security.
- Common Access Card (CAC) enabled system. The Survey Portal uses the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Integrated Authentication System (IAS) to read and verify CAC credentials with a single sign-on via CAC; the same authentication used across numerous DoD systems and MHS applications.
- To access the Survey Portal, users must request access and be granted access.
- To protect patient privacy users need to authenticate to the Survey Portal by entering their login and password for the Composite Health Care System (CHCS).
- Administrators within each facility can assign or remove roles including providers, clerk, non-PHI, admin roles, etc.
