Participation in MOTION is open to all Military Treatment Facility (MTFs). Any MTF may request involvement in MOTION or the MOTION Steering Committee may approach MTFs of its choosing.
By participating as a MOTION data collection site you are willing to make the following commitments:
- Share our core values to help achieve our mission and vision to optimize military-specific and clinically-relevant patient outcome metrics for musculoskeletal injuries (MSKI) and help us become the recognized authority for MSKI outcomes research.
- Complete > 90% intra-operative forms for patients enrolled in MOTION as a site.
- Ask patients to complete assessments at required time points to maintain recruitment and follow-up benchmarks, > 90% up to 6 months and > 60% at 1-2 years.
- Attend or send a representative to the MOTION annual meeting and 75% of all meetings and conference calls.
- Submit annual (or as requested) performance reports to the MOTION Research Steering Committee.
- Allow audits and reviews of data collection.
Process to become a MOTION Data Collection Site (DCS) and participate in MOTION
- Potential MTFs will complete the MOTION Data Collection Site (DCS) Application.
- The application for MOTION is not meritorious but to learn more about your interest, be available to answer any questions and concerns that you may have and to be able to discuss resources available and needed at your MTF. Specifically, discuss MTF specific orthopaedic case load, number of orthopaedic surgeons participating, orthopaedic educational / residency programs, need for a MOTION-funded Study Coordinator / Research Assistant and any questions that you may have with the MOTION Policy and Procedures Manual.
- MOTION Steering Committee will review the application and follow up with you with questions, notify you of acceptance, provide you with a copy of the MOTION Policy and Procedures Manual (Manual) and request that you read the Manual.
- Once you have read the MOTION Policy and Procedures Manual and discussed any concerns with the MOTION Steering Committee, you will submit a signed copy of the Acknowledgement and Review of MOTION Policy and Procedures Manual form (part of the Manual). This completes the registration process and you will officially be a MOTION DCS.
Once you are a MOTION site, you can leverage the MOTION platform, a powerful database that has data about patient visits at all MTFs from the time of their injury, pre- and post-operative care as well as patient and provider assessments that are available for all active duty Service Members throughout their career. MOTION is capable of supporting the Big Data to Knowledge (BDTK) program. To be successful in conducting data-intensive BDTK research to drive biomedical science forward to optimize MSKI outcomes it will be necessary for MOTION stakeholders to (i) share data and expertise with each other; (ii) collaborate to show greater reproducibility, validity and transparency of data and results in their scientific work; and (iii) adopt new thinking – the need and desire to complete assessments.
For more details please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Your email will be answered within 4 business days.
