Research Opportunity
We provide residents and faculty with a unique combination of basic, translational, and clinical research opportunities. Through our partnership with the Department of Clinical Investigations, a wide array of basic science research is able to be performed ranging from bench top microbiology to genetics and biomechanics. We have a fully functioning and staffed vivarium capable of performing live animal research. There is additional opportunities for clinical research including active duty, basic trainees, and dependents. We additionally have numerous opportunities to collaborate on clinical research with our civilian partners at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and the University of South Carolina.
Research Requirements
Residents are required to produce one publishable research project over the course of their five-year training program.
Research Year
There is no dedicated research year. Research is conducted during the course of the five year program, and time for research is made available for interested residents throughout the course of their training.
Sample of Past Research efforts/publications: 2021-22
Surgically Treated Femoral Neck Stress Fractures Are Likely to Result in Military Separation During Basic Combat Training. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2022. Mar 23. [PMID: 35319614]
Femoral Neck Stress Fracture in Athletes and the Military- Current Concepts Review. J Bone Joint Surg. 2022. 104(5):473-482. [PMID: 35234724]
Volar DRUJ Instability Following Midshaft Both-Bone Forearm Fracture in a Toddler: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connector. 2021. 11(4):e21.00578. [PMID: 34797233]
Outcomes of Femoral Head AVN in Children with Sickle Cell Disease Treated with Core Decompression and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Injection. J Pediatr Orthop. 2021. Aug 23. [PMID: 34419981]
Primary medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction in military servicemembers: Can we reliably restore preinjury function and stability? Ortho J Sports Med. 2021; [PMID: 34179209]
Application of a Halo Fixator for the Treatment of Pediatric Spinal Deformity. J Bone Joint Surg Essen Surg Tech. 2021; 11(1):e20.00005. [PMID: 34123553]
Post-operative radiculitis following one or two level anterior lumbar surgery with or without posterior instrumentation. J Orthop. 2021; 25: 45-52. [PMID: 33927508]
Sample of Current Research Efforts
Implications of Femoral Neck Stress Fractures on Military Basic Trainees
Noise exposure with orthopedic cast saw use
Tourniquet Use During Knee Arthroscopy
Management of Osteoporosis in Geriatric Proximal Femoral Fractures
Ankle Fracture Outcomes in Military Basic Trainees
Chronic regional pain syndrome following spine surgery