Program Overview/Philosophy
Mission Statement: To train and develop worldwide deployable orthopaedic surgeons capable of providing the entire spectrum of operative and non-operative musculoskeletal care.
Aims: Produce well-rounded clinicians and surgeons who deliver care to warfighters and their families in a variety of environments around the world. Cultivate a foundational knowledge of research and the scientific method that enable graduates to advance military and academic medicine.
Welcome Letter from Current Program Director

Thank you for your interest in the orthopaedic surgery program at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth.
We are a high volume, hardworking, cohesive academic program with committed faculty and residents that thoroughly prepare each resident to deliver safe and quality care during a successful active-duty career as an expeditionary orthopaedic surgeon.
The Orthopaedic Surgery Program at the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) was established in 1958. It is a fully accredited, five-year program comprised of 20 residents. NMCP is a proven leader in academic and military medicine and the orthopaedic surgery department is no exception. The department is at the forefront of academic and clinical orthopaedics in both civilian and academic communities. The NMCP Orthopaedic Residency Program prepares its residents to be technically adept and knowledgeable, while stressing compassionate care conforming to the highest ethical standards of medical and surgical practice. Our graduates complete residency training technically proficient in all areas of orthopaedics, both operative and non-operative. Our program has one of the longest running 100% pass rate for the Part I of the ABOS.
The Orthopaedic Department is located in the Charette Health Care Center at NMCP. The hospital is on a 112-acre site along the Elizabeth River in downtown Portsmouth, Virginia. The 1.02 million square foot Charette Health Care Center is one of the most modern in Navy Medicine. The center contains over 300 clinical exam rooms, 140 specialty exam rooms, and 17 operating rooms. NMCP has a biomedical research department with over 200 active protocols and a state-of-the art medical library.
NMCP is a tertiary care facility with a wide catchment area - from facilities in Europe and the East coast of the U.S., all of which, provides a large variety of emergent and non-emergent orthopaedic cases. The local patient population is comprised of active duty and retired military members and their families. The Orthopaedic Department sees over 55,000 patients per year and performs approximately 4000-5000 surgical procedures per year. Additionally, there are significant opportunities to perform minor room cases, fracture reductions, and urgent orthopaedic clinical care. The program also provides excellent exposure to in-office ultrasound guided procedures and the use of biologics in the clinic as well as in the operating room. The department is also performing surgical procedures at a civilian ambulatory surgery center to expand resident exposure to different surgical environments including rotations in Boston, Tampa, and our local area.
Very Respectfully,
Patrick Morrissey, MD CDR/MC/USN Residency Program Director NMCP Orthopaedics

Current Program Director- Dr. Patrick Morrissey
Current Program Administrator with Contact information- Mrs. Monica Benison at [email protected]
Visiting Student Info- Please reach out to usn.hampton-roads.nmrtc-portsmouth-va.list.nmcp-medstudentcoordi@health.mil