Clinical Rotations/Sample Matrix with explanation of in-house, local community rotations, and away rotations

Didactic Schedule including opportunity for labs/simulations:
Wednesdays serve as protected academic time. The first half of the academic year is dedicated to preparation for the orthopaedic in-service training examination (OITE). The second half of the year is focused on the honing of surgical skills with exposure to a broad range of surgical techniques, approaches and implants. Lectures are resident and staff led, and matched with surgeon interest. Our anatomy curriculum is thorough, and over the course of 4 months we review all relevant approaches and musculoskeletal anatomy. It is not atypical for us to have 2 cadaver labs per month during the second half of the academic year. We also have a well-equipped simulation lab with arthroscopic simulators of the shoulder, hip and knee available.
Journal Club Structure:
Journal club is monthly or bi-monthly, with rotating topics decided by a PGY-5.
Clinical Sites:
William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, TX Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX Primary Children's Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Call Requirements:
Call begins during the PGY-1 year, with the intern working with the PGY-2 to respond to pages and consults at both WBAMC and TTUHSC. Interns are never assigned independent call. Interns do take occasional weekend call at TTUHSC which affords early exposure to orthopaedic consult management and time in the operating room. PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents take independent call at both WBAMC and TTUHSC. We utilize a night float system for TTUHSC and home call for WBAMC. Senior backup is always available via phone call. PGY-4 and PGY-5 residents take senior call, during which they provide immediate telephone or in-person backup to the junior resident, and are expect to manage all aspects of operative cases to include implant selection, positioning, plan and, through graduated responsibility, plan execution. We strongly adhere to the ACGME work-hours and call requirements.
Mentorship Program Incoming interns are assigned a PGY-4 to serve as his or her mentor during the first two years of residency. Staff are encouraged to mentor residents with interests in their field.
Opportunity for Meeting Attendance Residents routinely attend SOMOS, AAOS, AANA, OTA, AAHKS, ASSH and other meetings to present research and network in his or her anticipated specialty.
Does the program provide Loupes/Lead? Loups yes, Lead no.
Does the program provide any textbook funding? No, although residents have access to an extensive digital library through TTUHSC.