We hope to include as many high-quality articles in the Proceedings as we can. If your oral presentation fits into one of the following article types, we hope you will submit a full-length manuscript to CORR® for consideration:

(1) Original clinical research (level IV or above),
(2) Original laboratory research, or
(3) Systematic review or meta-analysis (the latter must include only randomized trials).

Selective (book-chapter-style) review articles cannot be considered. As last time, all papers will be peer reviewed, and the standard to publish a paper in these proceedings is the same as applies to unsolicited research in CORR®.

Please read carefully the summaries of scientific reporting principles (one each for clinical research, systematic review, and meta-analysis), and consider using one of CORR’s available online article-building tools to write and format your article on  All the information will be posted on the SOMOS website along with all the SOMOS Presentation Requirements.

Please submit your full-length manuscripts before May 1, 2021. When you are ready to submit your work, please go to, select “Solicited Symposium/Proceedings” as the article type, and choose “2020 Selected Proceedings of SOMOS” from the drop-down menu, in order to have your work considered for this special section in CORR®.